Народная — «Вдоль по улице метелица метет» — петь караоке с баллами онлайн бесплатно
Вдоль по улице метелица метет
Музыка: Народная
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Музыка: Народная
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Народная — «Вдоль по улице метелица метет» — петь караоке с баллами онлайн бесплатно
SQL Запросы[2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "page".* from "page" where (url = '/artists/narodnaja/song/vdol-po-ulicze-metelicza-metet/') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select a.external_id _a_external_id,a.name _a_name,a.urlkey _a_urlkey,a.alias _a_alias,a.song_count _a_song_count,a.created_at _a_created_at,a.updated_at _a_updated_at,a.content_updated_at _a_content_updated_at,a.image_id _a_image_id,a.image_version _a_image_version,a.id _a_id, s.external_id _s_external_id,s.title _s_title,s.lyrics _s_lyrics,s.created_at _s_created_at,s.updated_at _s_updated_at,s.expire_at _s_expire_at,s.copyrights _s_copyrights,s.sort _s_sort,s.urlkey _s_urlkey,s.alias _s_alias,s.can_sing _s_can_sing,s.duration _s_duration,s.has_minus _s_has_minus,s.text_updated_at _s_text_updated_at,s.age_limit _s_age_limit,s.file_dat_id _s_file_dat_id,s.file_dat_version _s_file_dat_version,s.is_free _s_is_free,s.id _s_id, sa.is_main_author _is_main from author a join song_author sa on a.id = sa.author_id and sa.type_id = 3 join song s on s.id = sa.song_id where a.alias = 'narodnaja' and s.alias = 'vdol-po-ulicze-metelicza-metet' limit 1 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> get:site_sesshelga8iv4lrfgug6319nnvdcsb [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11311> get:site_sesshelga8iv4lrfgug6319nnvdcsb [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> get:content_author_top5 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> get:content_collection_top5 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11311> get:content_song_top5 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select s.* from song_author sa join song s on s.id = sa.song_id and s.alias is not null and s.expire_at > now() left join song_top st on (s.id = st.song_id and st.date = (SELECT max(date) FROM song_top)) where sa.author_id = '556' and sa.type_id = '3' order by st.total_plays desc nulls last limit '10' offset '0' [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "collection".* from "collection_song" join "collection" on "collection"."id" = "collection_song"."collection_id" INNER JOIN collection_vendor ON collection.id = collection_vendor.collection_id AND (collection_vendor.vendor_id IS NULL or collection_vendor.vendor_id = '6') where ("song_id" = '2626') order by "title" asc [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "song_author"."song_id" __pr_pk, "song_author"."author_id" __dp_pk, "song_author"."type_id" __dp_type_id, "song_author"."sort" __dp_sort, "song_author"."is_main_author" __dp_is_main_author from "song_author" where ((song_id = '2626' or type_id = '3')) and ("song_author"."song_id" in (161610,234196,3647,5557,1372,2626,10,5304,5653,5331,5356,5648,5296,346,5714,5980)) order by "is_main_author" desc, "sort" asc [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "author".* from "author" where "id" in ('1250','28','736','1944','2589','1393','349396','2454','556','2073') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select c.* from collection c LEFT JOIN collection_vendor AS cv ON c.id = cv.collection_id where "id" in ('5','1','4','9','6') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "song".* from "song" where "id" in ('161610','234196','3647','5557','1372') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select * from "vendor" where "id" = '6' [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "counter".* from "counter" where (song_id = '2626') and (vendor_id in (6,3)) and (type_id = '1') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] redis-cluster> zRevRange: r:song:2626:total (0, 4) [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "collection".* from "collection_song" join "collection" on "collection"."id" = "collection_song"."collection_id" INNER JOIN collection_vendor ON collection.id = collection_vendor.collection_id AND (collection_vendor.vendor_id IS NULL or collection_vendor.vendor_id = '6') where ("song_id" = '2626') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> set:site_sesshelga8iv4lrfgug6319nnvdcsb [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11311> set:site_sesshelga8iv4lrfgug6319nnvdcsb
Народная — «Вдоль по улице метелица метет» — петь караоке с баллами онлайн бесплатно
SQL Запросы[2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "page".* from "page" where (url = '/artists/narodnaja/song/vdol-po-ulicze-metelicza-metet/') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select a.external_id _a_external_id,a.name _a_name,a.urlkey _a_urlkey,a.alias _a_alias,a.song_count _a_song_count,a.created_at _a_created_at,a.updated_at _a_updated_at,a.content_updated_at _a_content_updated_at,a.image_id _a_image_id,a.image_version _a_image_version,a.id _a_id, s.external_id _s_external_id,s.title _s_title,s.lyrics _s_lyrics,s.created_at _s_created_at,s.updated_at _s_updated_at,s.expire_at _s_expire_at,s.copyrights _s_copyrights,s.sort _s_sort,s.urlkey _s_urlkey,s.alias _s_alias,s.can_sing _s_can_sing,s.duration _s_duration,s.has_minus _s_has_minus,s.text_updated_at _s_text_updated_at,s.age_limit _s_age_limit,s.file_dat_id _s_file_dat_id,s.file_dat_version _s_file_dat_version,s.is_free _s_is_free,s.id _s_id, sa.is_main_author _is_main from author a join song_author sa on a.id = sa.author_id and sa.type_id = 3 join song s on s.id = sa.song_id where a.alias = 'narodnaja' and s.alias = 'vdol-po-ulicze-metelicza-metet' limit 1 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11311> get:site_sess8mai2s1mutd6p822kca0q4lert [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> get:site_sess8mai2s1mutd6p822kca0q4lert [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> get:content_author_top5 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> get:content_collection_top5 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11311> get:content_song_top5 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select s.* from song_author sa join song s on s.id = sa.song_id and s.alias is not null and s.expire_at > now() left join song_top st on (s.id = st.song_id and st.date = (SELECT max(date) FROM song_top)) where sa.author_id = '556' and sa.type_id = '3' order by st.total_plays desc nulls last limit '10' offset '0' [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "collection".* from "collection_song" join "collection" on "collection"."id" = "collection_song"."collection_id" INNER JOIN collection_vendor ON collection.id = collection_vendor.collection_id AND (collection_vendor.vendor_id IS NULL or collection_vendor.vendor_id = '6') where ("song_id" = '2626') order by "title" asc [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "song_author"."song_id" __pr_pk, "song_author"."author_id" __dp_pk, "song_author"."type_id" __dp_type_id, "song_author"."sort" __dp_sort, "song_author"."is_main_author" __dp_is_main_author from "song_author" where ((song_id = '2626' or type_id = '3')) and ("song_author"."song_id" in (161610,234196,3647,5557,1372,2626,10,5304,5653,5331,5356,5648,5296,346,5714,5980)) order by "is_main_author" desc, "sort" asc [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "author".* from "author" where "id" in ('1250','28','736','1944','2589','1393','349396','2454','556','2073') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select c.* from collection c LEFT JOIN collection_vendor AS cv ON c.id = cv.collection_id where "id" in ('5','1','4','9','6') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "song".* from "song" where "id" in ('161610','234196','3647','5557','1372') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "counter".* from "counter" where (song_id = '2626') and (vendor_id in (6,3)) and (type_id = '1') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] redis-cluster> zRevRange: r:song:2626:total (0, 4) [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "collection".* from "collection_song" join "collection" on "collection"."id" = "collection_song"."collection_id" INNER JOIN collection_vendor ON collection.id = collection_vendor.collection_id AND (collection_vendor.vendor_id IS NULL or collection_vendor.vendor_id = '6') where ("song_id" = '2626') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> set:site_sess8mai2s1mutd6p822kca0q4lert [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11311> set:site_sess8mai2s1mutd6p822kca0q4lert
Текст и слова песни «Вдоль по улице метелица метет» — Народная
SQL Запросы[2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "page".* from "page" where (url = '/artists/narodnaja/text/vdol-po-ulicze-metelicza-metet/') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select a.external_id _a_external_id,a.name _a_name,a.urlkey _a_urlkey,a.alias _a_alias,a.song_count _a_song_count,a.created_at _a_created_at,a.updated_at _a_updated_at,a.content_updated_at _a_content_updated_at,a.image_id _a_image_id,a.image_version _a_image_version,a.id _a_id, s.external_id _s_external_id,s.title _s_title,s.lyrics _s_lyrics,s.created_at _s_created_at,s.updated_at _s_updated_at,s.expire_at _s_expire_at,s.copyrights _s_copyrights,s.sort _s_sort,s.urlkey _s_urlkey,s.alias _s_alias,s.can_sing _s_can_sing,s.duration _s_duration,s.has_minus _s_has_minus,s.text_updated_at _s_text_updated_at,s.age_limit _s_age_limit,s.file_dat_id _s_file_dat_id,s.file_dat_version _s_file_dat_version,s.is_free _s_is_free,s.id _s_id, sa.is_main_author _is_main from author a join song_author sa on a.id = sa.author_id and sa.type_id = 3 join song s on s.id = sa.song_id where a.alias = 'narodnaja' and s.alias = 'vdol-po-ulicze-metelicza-metet' limit 1 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> get:site_sess41b3e9gk4v7kfgg4fvkc4bohqd [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11311> get:site_sess41b3e9gk4v7kfgg4fvkc4bohqd [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> get:content_author_top5 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> get:content_collection_top5 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11311> get:content_song_top5 [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select s.* from song_author sa join song s on s.id = sa.song_id and s.alias is not null and s.expire_at > now() left join song_top st on (s.id = st.song_id and st.date = (SELECT max(date) FROM song_top)) where sa.author_id = '556' and sa.type_id = '3' order by st.total_plays desc nulls last limit '10' offset '0' [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "collection".* from "collection_song" join "collection" on "collection"."id" = "collection_song"."collection_id" INNER JOIN collection_vendor ON collection.id = collection_vendor.collection_id AND (collection_vendor.vendor_id IS NULL or collection_vendor.vendor_id = '6') where ("song_id" = '2626') order by "title" asc [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "song_author"."song_id" __pr_pk, "song_author"."author_id" __dp_pk, "song_author"."type_id" __dp_type_id, "song_author"."sort" __dp_sort, "song_author"."is_main_author" __dp_is_main_author from "song_author" where ((song_id = '2626' or type_id = '3')) and ("song_author"."song_id" in (161610,234196,3647,5557,1372,2626,10,5304,5653,5331,5356,5648,5296,346,5714,5980)) order by "is_main_author" desc, "sort" asc [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "author".* from "author" where "id" in ('1250','28','736','1944','2589','1393','349396','2454','556','2073') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select c.* from collection c LEFT JOIN collection_vendor AS cv ON c.id = cv.collection_id where "id" in ('5','1','4','9','6') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "song".* from "song" where "id" in ('161610','234196','3647','5557','1372') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select * from "vendor" where "id" = '6' [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "counter".* from "counter" where (song_id = '2626') and (vendor_id in (6,3)) and (type_id = '1') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] redis-cluster> zRevRange: r:song:2626:total (0, 4) [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select * from "vendor" where "id" = '6' [2019-10-19 19:12:53] [email protected]:5432> select "collection".* from "collection_song" join "collection" on "collection"."id" = "collection_song"."collection_id" INNER JOIN collection_vendor ON collection.id = collection_vendor.collection_id AND (collection_vendor.vendor_id IS NULL or collection_vendor.vendor_id = '6') where ("song_id" = '2626') [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11211> set:site_sess41b3e9gk4v7kfgg4fvkc4bohqd [2019-10-19 19:12:53] srv1.dev:11311> set:site_sess41b3e9gk4v7kfgg4fvkc4bohqd